Wallsend and Segedunum

Wallsend is situated just four miles to the east of Newcastle, the name comes from this place being the last outpost of Hadrian’s great border defenses.

Along this wall is what is known as the strong fort, or Segedunum, this is one of the key attractions that host a wide variety of activities throughout the year, such as re-enactments of Roman drills.

The museum here shows off many displays including finds from past excavations that are linked with computer displays to get a real interactive feel.

Let’s not forget that while you’re here, experience climbing the 110-foot tower with marvelous views over the remains and ship repair yards. Visible from here is the wall’s end itself which leads onto the Hadrian’s Wall Path that runs a huge distance for over 84 miles into Cumbria, as you look you can see the start then it disappears out of view as it ends such a long distance away.